Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day Three Antelope Canyon here we come!!

Well here's what happened......Our room was on the border of the time change so, when we asked what time the sun came up so we could see a beautiful sunrise, we didn't think to ask what time it was where we were.  There for we got up at 5:40am waked outside (it was black out) started walking towards the bridge, someone was on their way to opening the trading post, we ask where the sun was she said it was to early, it was 4:40am.  So back to bed for an hour for Sue, Kathie sat up and read.  At 5:40 again this is what we saw.

Then we were off heading to Page, Arizona.  1st stop right outside of Page is Horseshoe Canyon, looking like an easy walk to the top of the mountain....HAHAHA!!!  When you get to the top you have to walk another 1/2 down to see the canyon...Oh well we were committed.  

It was breathtaking!!  That little white speck on the left side is a boat.  
But now we had to walk back.
Up Up Up then down 3/4 mile each way.

Off again,but this time to a Super Walmart to buy hats. It's 102 out here.

Now to one of the Most Amazing sights we have seen...Antelope Canyon.
We had to take a tour from the Navajo Indians to get there.  

We sat in the back end of this pick-up truck and took a 20 min wild ride that Disney would charge $45 a person to do.  Then we were don't do it justice.

This is the opening to the Canyon

The Canyon is about 1/4 mile long

We are now about 1 mile deep under ground

When it rain's in this area, 
the Canyon gets flash floods which create the lines and colors on the walls

They had two flash floods in July so the Canyon is about 6 feet deeper than before.

After our crazy ride back to our car it was off to see the Navajo Bridge

We are now heading to the Grand Canyon North Rim Lodge
It's about 225 miles from where we started on the South Rim

As we finally get back into the Grand Canyon National Park the 
road is blocked by Bison crossing the road

When we pulled up to check in we saw this squirrel.  Later we found out this is a rare sighting.  
It's called a Kaibab Squirrel and can only be found on the north rim of the Grand Canyon (something to do  with the pine cones in this area, that they eat) 
It's solid black with a snow white tail.  

North Rim Lodge 

No TV, No A/C, No Internet

But the view is amazing!

When the sun starts to go down the colors come alive.  
You better have a flashlight, it gets pitch black really quick

Into the lodge for Kathie's 60th Birthday dinner!!

Night, Night, Up early for another sunrise!

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